There’s nothing like a new toothbrush. That sensation it causes as it massages your gums and cleans is awesome. Spring cleaning gives us a chance to clear out debris and all the things that hold us back making way for new energy to help guide our paths. With nature, sometimes the thing that’s cleared away isn’t always something we want to let go. The Mount Pleasant community has been hit by multiple deaths recently. And although it is initially heartbreaking, we keep in mind that death is a part of life, but with all deaths come rebirth.

Spring is here and with it the opportunity to start over; new ideas can be brought to fruition and dramatic change can take place. The shedding of the things we hold dear is the growing pain we experience on our way to forever, but along the way we discover gems and acquire memories that become more precious than any tangible losses.  As this year matures I hope that everyone will use this time to reflect on the things that has brought them happiness. Even if you’re in a place where you don’t feel happy at all, because it’s the memory and the hope of joy that gets us through.